You get to decide whether you want to go through the at-fault party’s insurer or your own insurance company. Remember, sometimes it will be in your best interest to go through your collision coverage if there are any circumstances we previously discussed.
Coordinating Repairs
1. Contact your insurance company. Your insurance company will assign a PD adjuster.
2. Notify your insurance company where your vehicle is located.
3. Have the preliminary estimate of your vehicle performed. The PD adjuster will have a field adjuster assigned. If they do not send a field adjuster out, you can take your vehicle to a shop of your choice to have the estimate done.
4. Once the preliminary estimate is done, the repairs can be performed at a shop of your choice. If you have a preliminary estimate, provide it to the shop so they can order the parts and avoid delays.
5. Make sure the repair shop gets approval from your insurance company BEFORE they begin repairs. Most shops are familiar with the process.
NOTE: Many repair shops are experiencing delays in getting parts in due to supply chain issues. It’s highly recommended you provide the shop with the estimate so they can order the parts. This will prevent delays and possibly issues with your rental vehicle being terminated due to excessive repair times.
Getting a Rental Vehicle
1. IF you have rental coverage and a rental vehicle is needed, coordinate with your insurance company. Otherwise, you can see if the at-fault party’s insurance company will pick up the rental. They generally will not pick of the rental is there are concerns that your PD claim is going to exceed their insured’s available PD limits.
2. If you are in a rental, they will generally authorize the rental until your vehicle repairs are complete, UNLESS there’s not enough coverage, they may terminate the rental sooner. At that point you will have to see if the at-fault party’s insurance can pick up the rental costs OR you will have to pay out-of-pocket for the rental OR return it.
- Your Vehicle is a TOTAL LOSS & You Do NOT Have Collision Coverage
- Your Vehicle is a TOTAL LOSS & You Do NOT Have Collision Coverage
- Your Vehicle is a TOTAL LOSS & You HAVE Collision Coverage